
Friday, October 30, 2009

Need Costume Ideas?

Here are some costume ideas ranging from epic failure to best ever.. check it

Tommy lee? no biker a outfit (as advertised) hahahahahaha

Good Friday to YOU!!!

Wont be able to post much this weekend cause we will be attending the event below..MONSTER ROCK!!!! so hope everyone has a good Halloween.. and be sure and check your candy bags for safety!...things to watch for (and not limited to) : poison, fruit, dirty needles, hand held weaponry, dum dums (because people unwrap them, lick them once, then put the wrapper back on), snakes, cereal in zip-lock bags, Easter colored M&M (pastel colors), waldo, a pipe bomb, and last your cell phone.. and on a serious note don't drink and drive or you deserve what you get.

-JustColinIt how i sees it yo

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Monster Rock!

With fall comes the wonderful holidays. So, let's kick off the great three with a music concert! Thieves and Pastors of Atlanta, Ga will be playing this Halloween Saturday at The Hummingbird in Macon, Ga. There will be plenty of fun with music, costumes and fountains of fun! So come one and come all for a Ghoul time!

-Shmamly Walton

Wanna be an animal in the zoo?

Thats right why not become a follower (click become a follower) and you can chime in on any post anytime... and remember a man on his knees is half a man.. no matter what!


That's right upset alert even though the Florida Gators are heavily favored I'm calling for an upset alert this weekend in the state known as America's penis. Being a die-hard BAMA fan it is hard to even want either one of these teams to win, but Georgia has to have a chip on their shoulder from a lack luster season. What a better way to salvage a sub-par season than to dethrone the champions from their number one spot. The game is on CBS this Saturday @ 3:30. Hate to say it but go dawgs!

-JustColinIt how i sees it


Hello world, JustColinIt sounding off to welcome you to The Human Zoo the new place where all the hipsters hop into the world of internet entertainment . We are history in the making so why not help us make something cataclysmic. Feel free to crack open your mind and unwind as we rewind instances worth mention and your time. We are the jet ready for take off so put some fuel in our tanks!

-JustColinIt like i sees it yo.